
Jewish Art Calendar

  • Make Your Advertising Dollars Count!
    Be a part of a highly visible and affordable marketing opportunity...

    Chabad of Noe Valley is once again producing a beautiful Jewish Art Calendar customized for the S. Francisco area. We will be mailing the calendar to thousands of homes within the community and you have the unique opportunity to personalize this calendar with your ad. The Calendar has received rave reviews from families and individuals who use the calendar on a regular basis throughout the year. 

    This is a great opportunity to market your products and services to the community or to simply share a Shana Tova greeting or recognize an important date like a birthday or Yhartzait of a loved one. 
    Participation at any level is appreciated and will benefit the community in a tangible and meaningful way.
    To make your submission please fill out the form below and don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    Rabbi Gedalia Potash  [email protected]
  • Calendar Order Form

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